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  -  Design   -  Crafted ceramics made out of natural undyed clay

Crafted ceramics made out of natural undyed clay

Lauren Manoogian, a New-York-based fashion designer, has launched a 12-piece capsule collection of handcrafted ceramics called Object. 

The pieces are made by a women community in Peru using traditional ceramic techniques. As the global pandemic hit Peru, Manoogian wanted to give back to the community of artisans. She decided to sell her ceramics collections which she gathered during her travels in the country. Each piece is made out of native clay sourced of the local surroundings and finished on a wood-fire. Banana pulp and copal are added to achieve a white dry surface exposing underlying structural textures. This technique celebrates the raw material and adds a smoky coloration to the surface. Manoogian will be donating 20 percent of the proceeds to a Lima-based NGO helping the most needed individuals and communities.

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OBJECT by lauren manoogian is a capsule collection of artisanal peruvian ceramic forms